Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A Quick Fix

Have you ever had a purse or a belt that has one of those metal bars with a metal tubing around it? It looks like this....

I bought a purse the other day (for $12 at Ross, mind you!) and it had one of those noisy metal tubing things around the decorative buckle. I have had the annoyance of owning a few belts in the past with this same problem. For belts, It gets annoying because it always spins and sometimes makes the latch come undone. For the buckle on my purse, it was extremely annoying! It jingled every step I took.

I have had a quick fix for this problem in the past and I used the same solution on the buckles on my new purse as well. My fix...super glue! It is that simple.

I started off my figuring out where I wanted to put my dabs of super glue. I decided the underside of the bar would be the best so you wouldn't see it. (even though you shouldn't really see it either way)

I then pushed the tubing over to one side as far as I could and placed a dab of glue onto the bottom of the bar. I did the same thing to the other side. Be sure not to put the metal tubing onto the glue on the bar.

Then, when you are done putting your dabs of glue on. Push the bottom of the tubing up onto the bar with the glue. Hold it there for a few seconds to insure a hold.

Finished product!

Let the glue dry for a few hours and you are good to go. problem solved! No more noisy and/or spinning buckles!

Also, view more on my outfit in this post.

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