Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Pesky Pimple?

Ok, so this is a not-so-flattering topic, but everyone deals with it. I usually don't have too many major problems with acne, but just as anyone else, I get a big "problem" from time to time and I want to get rid of it ASAP! I have seen posts on Pinterest about putting toothpaste on pimples, but I had never tried it before. This link talks more about toothpaste pimple cures and other remedies that claim to help get rid of your pesky pimples. I also read this post and it made the whole toothpaste thing sound like a terrible idea.

I'm sure a lot of other people have their own ways to get rid of their pimples fast, but I thought i'd share mine. Chapstick! That's right. For years I have used Softlips chapstick to put on my pesky pimples to heal them fast. I'm not sure why it works for me, but it does! I have found that the pimples I put chapstick on heal faster than those I don't put chapstick on. Weird, I know!

This remedy may not work for everyone, but it seems to work for me. I suppose it works because of the  moisturizing effect. I put the Softlips chapstick on at night rubbing in into my acne spot 2-3 times. I wash my face in the morning with facial scrub and repeat the next few days till it is all healed up! I have only used Softlips chapstick for this remedy. It is not a miracle acne healer, but I feel that it does speed up the healing process. It couldn't hurt to try, right? Also, I researched the ingredients in Softlips and it said some people may have an allergy to one of the ingredients. As a person with lots of allergies, I know it's important to be careful, so check over the list of ingredients before use.

This is the "coconut cream" scent, but it doesn't matter for this purpose. I have used them all.

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