Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Warm New Clothes

I went on a shopping spree the other day with all of my Christmas money. Of course, I visited my favorite money-saving stores, Ross and TJ Maxx. I also went to Target. I will sacrifice paying full price for the things I like at Target because Target is that awesome!

After going shopping and buying lots of new warm clothes to wear for the cold winter months ahead (yes, it is getting cold here in South Carolina too!), I looked up outfit ideas on Pinterest and just by Googling. Sometimes it is hard for me to put together outfits without seeing some inspiration first. I usually search on Pinterest or Google for items of clothes I bought and see what outfits come up with that specific piece, such as black cardigan, skinny jeans, or blue pants. It usually comes up with some ideas that I can use what I have in my closet to make a similar outfit.

My inspiration for my outfit for today was this image:

The colors are nothing like the outfit I put together, but I liked the idea of a sweater/sweatshirt with a scarf, skinny jeans and boots. So I came up with this:

The scarf is black from Target that I got on sale last year after the winter months for about $8. The sweatshirt with lace is from Target for $15, the skinny jeans are from TJ Maxx for $20 and the boots are from Target for $35 but were a Christmas present to me.

Your outfit doesn't have to be the same colors as the images you gain inspiration from. It just has to give you the right idea to get you started.

View my fix for an annoying jingling buckle here.

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