Friday, January 4, 2013

How to Keep Your Home-baked Cookies Soft

I don't know about you, but I love soft cookies! I hate when you bake cookies at home and they are delicious right out of the oven, but the next day they are hard and crumbly. My roommate in college actually taught me this trick on keeping your cookies soft for days after you've baked them!

You can use any cookie dough, but I am home for Christmas break from school and my mom bought this Triple Chocolate Chunk tub of cookie dough from a lady at her work whose son was selling Otis Spunkmeyer cookie dough for a fundraiser. Three dozen cookies in one tub and they are "place-and-bake" ready! You can find more about the Otis Spunkmeyer fundraising and cookie dough here.

Follow the directions on the package as to what temperate and time to bake the cookies at. Make sure the cookies are done, but not too much. You don't want them to come out of the oven as hockey pucks, but you don't want them raw and greasy either.

After taking the cookies out of the oven, use a spatula to remove the cookies from the baking sheet. Place the cookies on waxed paper. Allow the cookies to cool on the waxed paper for about 5 or so minutes. You want the cookies to still be slightly warm, but not hot.

Find an air-tight tupperware container that will be large enough for your batch of cookies. Place enough cookies on the bottom layer to fill the bottom of the container. Cut pieces of waxed paper that are the same size as the container to lay in-between each layer of cookies.

Layer the cookies and sheets of waxed paper until all of your cookies are in your container. Close the container and let them sit in the container for a few hours. The steam from the cookies being warm will "lock" inside the cookies and keep them soft! (You can sneak a few cookies during the process. I know they are hard to resist!)

Enjoy! : ]

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